This day in history
What happened 20 years exactly to this day? Were there any global events occurring? U.S. political events? Climatic disasters? Your job is to do such things: tell the period historical events that occurred the same day you speak in class.
----> before coming class, find a historical event that
occurred the day you speak about it
----> i.e. DA of the week starts on Oct. 17; find
a historical event that occurred on Oct. 17
-----> the event should either be relevant to what
is being studied or some big global
occurrence that affected many people
----> on the day of DA, state the title of your job, the
date, then a brief summary of the event
----> i.e. "This day in history, [date], ________
----> input the condensed version of the historical
event on the Google Spreadsheet provided
----> use the image for reference
----> type your name in the respective box