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Stock Analysis

Are you able to not be biased? With this job, you would need to seek out both the good and bad things your period does throughout class time along with giving daily reports on what other periods have done (and how it might affect your own period).


----> prepare your phone to be on the Stock Analyst 

     Daily Report document at the beginning of class


----> throughout class time, take notice of both the

     good and bad things your period does, along 

     with other important events that occurred (neither

     good nor bad)

        -----> follow the guide on the first row of the

              document for further instructions


----> during DA, walk up to the board and give a brief

      summary of Shingo's Chart (Daily Stock Chart)

         ----> if time is short, only talk about topics

              that involve your period


----> at home, finalize report before the next day

       ----> type name under your period number in

            2nd column



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